I received a black belt, in taekwondo, at the age of 17 after over 3 1/2 years of training, yet, I still had no confidence in my ability to defend myself, much less fight. I had some techniques and skill sets that gave me an advantage a few years later at the age of 20 when I joined the Marines and we practiced LINE training and had boxing matches. Yet, I still had little confidence in my ability to protect myself. I became a green belt Marine Corps Martial Arts Instructor at 26 years old. A three week school, I began getting the first feelings of true confidence due to the rigorous training that went into learning how to fight. At 29 years old I was introduced to Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ). Within a few months I had far more confidence in myself than ever before up to that point. Years later again now at the age of 33 I have earned my brown belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP). I have more confidence in myself now than ever before. As I look back I wonder to ymself wh...
This is a blog about my thoughts during my journey from a beginner jiujitsu practitioner to present.