"All models are wrong; some models are useful"--George Edward Pelham Box Just like all pizza is not good pizza, the same holds true as jiujitsu: Not all jiujitsu is good jiujitsu. Even with the jiujitsu of the Gracie's, not all Gracie JiuJitsu is the same jiujitsu either. One Professor’s jiujitsu is not the same as another Professor's jiujitsu. One Professor may be a small man and emphasize technique and timing over power more than a Professor that developed as a very athletic, large player who may emphasize technique and timing less. So having a black belt from one is not the same as having a black belt from another. I'm not saying that one is better than the other I am just saying that one style does not equate to the other. There’s no such thing as “the best” martial art. Martial arts are the best for what they were developed for. The martial arts of my Bushido are taekwondo (TKD), MCMAP (and subsequently (LINE), and judo/jiujitsu. TKD known for its ki...
This is a blog about my thoughts during my journey from a beginner jiujitsu practitioner to present.