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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Path to the Black Belt

The Path to the Black Belt I came into jiujitsu with the purpose of 1) learning self-defense and 2) getting a black belt to affirm my proficiency and so that I can certify my children's technique and award them with belts as they earn them.  The path isn't as simple as I thought it would be.  I thought I would have to learn techniques and at some point have to demonstrate those techniques to be awarded a belt.  When I first started I found out that time limits and promotions were subjective and completely up to your coach/instructor.  I didn't care for this approach.  There was no set curriculum or time limits.  It was very general.  Basically one should be submitting 90% of people at their current belt level before being considered for promotion.  That was about it.  If you "looked" like you were ready for a stripe, you got a stripe.  4 stripes and then when you "looked like" you were ready for the next belt it was handed to yo...