Last night I got beat down on the mats, again. I am a purple belt and couldn't sweep 2 white belts, passing the guard of a blue belt, and surviving with two brown belts. It isn't the first night that I have had a hard time lately either. What in the world is wrong with me lately. I went home with my head low, thinking into the night and mentally reviewing each more, drill and roll with each partner. I didn't have any excuses. I mean, I should have made a bunch of them. The white belts and blue belt all outweighed me by at least 30-50 pounds or more. The two brown belts are the top non-black belts at the Academy. On and on. But there are always excuses and they all stink. I have always been this size since starting jiujitsu and I am not getting any bigger, so nothing is new. I just have to tighten things up and move on. I remembered at some point during my sulking though that this isn't the fir...
This is a blog about my thoughts during my journey from a beginner jiujitsu practitioner to present.