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Showing posts from April, 2010

Jiujitsu by Youtube

I'd taken to learning techniques via video a few years ago. It is a great way to pass on techniques because as a student I can watch it as many times as I want and replicate the technique. The down side is that I don't have the instructor there to ask questions. Either way I thought it was good to go. Then I went to a seminar with Shaolin a few months ago. he was pretty point blank that he is against that type of learning. Maybe he is just old school or something. Lots of the "masters" are against that kind of training. But then again lots are for it. Just depends I guess. For me it is all about what you do with it. I think that some are against it because that means that students learn faster, therefore it makes them less important in the learning process, so why should a student pay them for what they can get cheep or free over the Internet and other sources? So then instructors institute minimum class hours in order to get promotions. Ok, well, makes sen...