There's been lots of controversy in the Brazilian jiujitsu community over Rorion Gracie and his sons' Gracie University, which enables people to learn and earn rank, primarily online. Many of the purest out there are outraged because of the far harder road they've had to take to get a belt. Here are some opinions of my own in posts to online communities about it: It's both and a great business strategy. But here's my thing: I practice both judo and GJJ.....which in my opinion is a subset of judo. Judo kata or GU simulated combat: What's the difference? I think there are many issues at play here, two of which are knowing the techniques for promotion and two, being able to apply them to an unwilling person. Up to blue belt I can understand just knowing the techniques, but beyond that in my opinion the point is to be able to apply them to an unwilling opponent. Another thing is that I don't get the 600 techniques that the Gracie Academy is talking about. I m...
This is a blog about my thoughts during my journey from a beginner jiujitsu practitioner to present.